Brand Reputation Monitoring for Investors

Alternative sources indicating the company's success become more valuable than accounting numbers for investors.
Experts suggest that financial reporting becomes secondary among investment analysis tools, giving way to alternative indicators. For example, brand reputation monitoring via web scraping can be useful for investors and financial experts to control a company's brand reputation on the web, thus achieving better investment decisions.

In the modern digital economy, a company's intangible assets, which cannot be measured using financial indicators, become essential for business success. According to PwC's survey, financial reporting is number 8 out of 15 factors that investors consider when making an investment decision. A reason for that could be that investors don't always trust the board of the company they are evaluating. Accordingly, their willingness to rely on reported numbers is declining, and they retrieve to alternative sources of information.

So, what other sources of information about the company investors can use if they want to evaluate its intangible assets? Brand reputation is an essential component of brand equity. By carefully analyzing product reviews, one can predict in advance whether the company is going to lose its market share or grow. To a large extent, reviews reflect customer satisfaction at a particular moment. Customer activity on various social websites is an inexhaustible source of insights for marketers and CEOs.
Brand reputation monitoring will help you track customer loyalty to the company you want to invest.
Every day people leave millions of reviews about a wide variety of products and services on websites such as Yelp, Influenster, Productreview, etc. Users also share their opinions about the products on social networks - after all, almost everyone now uses Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and tells there where he dined today and what new bag he bought. When processing generalized data from Twitter, for example, we can draw conclusions about long-term prospects for the development of a product or market. However, manually collecting brand mentions would be too complicated.

For this case, we offer a solution - review monitoring. Review monitoring powered by web scraping service is an automated collection of reviews and/or brand mentions from all possible web sites: reviews platforms, blogs, social networks, local forums, online directories, etc. We take over analysis and selection of sources, and if you want to add some that aren't listed above – it's entirely possible. There is no need to collect reviews manually – make a list of the sites you need to monitor. Also, we can advise you on the frequency of data collection - whether you need them daily, weekly, monthly or one-time.
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